Lucky the Cocker Spaniel coding in his laptop

Experience and skills 💪

Check my skills & my recent work

Lucky the Cocker Spaniel coding in his laptop


Streaming Platform

Lead the development of a real-time streaming platform for fan clubs to engage with the fans on stream with gated shows.

  • Vue
  • Node.js
  • WebRTC
  • GraphQL
Lucky the Cocker Spaniel coding in his laptop

Meeting Point Canarias

Tourism E-Commerce

Lead the development of a web app to book holidays tours focused on the Canary Islands market for european customers with a custom CMS.

  • React
  • Node.js
  • TailwindCSS
Lucky the Cocker Spaniel coding in his laptop


Render Tests System

Research and architect a visual regression tests system for a complex 3D dental imaging Vue.js app with failure detection by quadrant grouping and reporting via team communication channels.

  • AVA.js
  • Vue
  • Puppeteer
  • Docker
Lucky the Cocker Spaniel coding in his laptop


Customer Support Platform

Develop integrations with social media platforms (WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack, MS Teams) to enhance reaching out to customers for support teams using message queues and platform adapters to delegate message passing between platforms.

  • Vue
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • IBM Cloud